Busy Bee

Bee's are busy right up to the last minute they can be.
Wish I were more like that...
This is the sooc (straight out of camera)

This one I took into Photomatix Pro3

I like how it brightened it and still kept the bee and pollen life like.

In doing this picture I noticed the pollen on the flower looks like a heart!!

If you have photo programs and your not quite sure how to use them, or what to do with them. I suggest that you take a picture in and try every thing out. Take your sliders and pull them all the way to one side and then the other. To see what they do. Getting familiar with your programs is frustrating and it is a lot of fun!

the best part is; if you don't like how it looks you can back up a step or just go back to the original picture and start over.


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