Happily Ever After...

Spring is the time of year we see things begin to grow again, what a perfect time to have a wedding, and watch love bloom...

Eye's only for each other...

Don't you love that dimple?!

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart...

A happy heart makes light feet...

Here they go into their happily ever after...

Princess and the PaintShop...

Time on our hands a beautiful little Princess to take pictures of...always learning new things in the Paint Shop...and Viola...

Princess and Angel all rolled up into one...

Is there such a thing as "to many pictures"?
I think not.

Out In The Dog House

We have family who live out and away, I like the barn and grounds, but my favorite is "The Dog House".

The couple who originally built the house I guess would sometimes have "spats".

When this would happen they would find it more convenient to live together, separately...
So he built this little two room shack on sleds~so it could be moved to different places on the property~

I finally talked Honey into letting me take some pictures of him, and the dog house and barn were the perfect place...

It was a beautiful day~the location COLD!!!
And the model~My Hero!