A lot of the time when you take a picture, you are not able to have as clean of a background as you would like. Some times this can be a big problem...
The idea is to get it as "clean" as possible using your camera, but sometimes you will need a photo program to help find the Photograph in the picture...
For all of these edits I used Corel PaintShopPro Photo X2
I will start with the SOOC (straight out of camera) picture first...
In this photo I wanted to clean up as much as I could to be able to show the car.
So I used the "copy" application to remove the people, coolers, sticker in the neighbor car's window and the shadow from the car in the lower right. And cropped it to the size I wanted to use for printing.
Next I did a "vivid" photo effects action and added a border the same color as the car, signed it and Viola!
I did the same things to this next car as well...
While I like this next picture, I wasn't thrilled to have all my kayakers going in different directions...and it seemed to dark for the time of day it was....
So I took it into the paintshop and adjusted the color, then used a clarify action, cropped it, added a border to match the kayak, signed it and was happy with the photograph that I found in the picture.
I took a few pictures this Summer in an early morning rain storm and I was not to thrilled with them. But knowing I could play with them some I went looking for the photograph hidden in the pictures...
First thing I did was get rid of the rain gutter hose! Next was to color adjust, clarify brought out the rain on the umbrella the way I had wanted, then I added a border to match the umbrella and added a quote, bumped it with a drop shadow...and now there is a scrap book worthy photograph...
This last one had a horrid background with a precious pose, and it played down the bright blue of her eyes... So back to the shop to find the portrait within...
First I found the portrait I was looking for and cropped. Next came removing the chocolate from her forehead and the corner of her mouth and then I removed the digital camera noise, adjusted the temperature of the color to cloudy, then sharpened it, and ran a "vivid" in effects. Her eyes were a little to bright so I used the "burn" tool to deepen them...
I thought about running a black and White edit, but I couldn't bring myself to loose her bright eye's...
So whether you have an art picture, a poster, or a portrait you want to find a little more in...don't be afraid to edit it to find the photograph you "saw" through the lens of your camera!